Diagnose der Pflanzen-Gattungen, nach der neuesten Ausgabe des Linneischen Sexualsystems /
von Georg Adolph Suckow. |
Suckow, Georg Adolph. |
323 |
Weidmann |
1792 |
Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linnéischen Natursystems /
von Johann August Donndorff. |
Donndorff, Johann August |
124 |
Weidmannschen Buchhandlung |
1792-1798 |
Caroli Linnæi ... Bibliotheca botanica :
recensens libros plus mille de plantis huc usque editos, secundum Systema auctorum naturale in classes, ordines, genera & species dispositos, additis editionis loco, tempore, forma, lingua, &c. cum explicatione Fundamentorum botanicorum pars prima. |
Linné, Carl von |
4478 |
Werner Fritsch |
1968 |
A catalogue of the indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon, distinguishing the several esculent vegetables, fruits, roots and grains, together with a sketch of the divisions of genera and species in use amongst the Singhalese :
also an outline of the Linnæan sexual system of botany in the English and Singhalese languages for the use of the Singhalese /
by Alexander Moon. |
Moon, Alexander. |
830 |
Wesleyan Mission Press |
1824 |
Bibelns liljor i ord och bild :
bidrag till blomsterkonungen Carl von Linnés 200-åriga födelseminne /
af J.G. Laurell. |
Laurell, Johan Gustaf |
2902 |
Westerlundska boktryceriet |
1907 |
Lachesis Lapponica, or A tour in Lapland, now first published from the original manuscript journal of Linnæus /
by James Edward Smith. |
Smith, James Edward. |
192 |
White and Cochrane |
1811 |
Ipsa Linnæi Conchylia :
the Shells of Linnæus, determined from his Manuscripts and Collection : also an Exact Reprint of the Vermes Testacea of the "Systema naturæ" and "Mantissa" /
by Sylvanus Hanley. |
Hanley, Sylvanus |
1243 |
Williams and Norgate |
1855 |
Ipsa Linnæi Conchylia :
the Shells of Linnæus, determined from his Manuscripts and Collection : also an Exact Reprint of the Vermes Testacea of the "Systema naturæ" and "Mantissa" /
by Sylvanus Hanley. |
Hanley, Sylvanus |
112 |
Williams and Norgate |
1855 |
Carl von Linné :
Arzt, Naturforscher, Systematiker, 1707-1778 /
von Heinz Goerke. |
Goerke, Heinz. |
4020 |
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft |
1966 |
The prince of botanists Carl Linnæus /
by Norah Gourlie. |
Gourlie, Norah. |
4348 |
Witherby |
1953 |
Botaniska Utflygter :
en Samling af strödda Tillfallighets-Skrifter /
utgifna af Elias Fries. |
Fries, Elias. |
848c |
Zacharias Hæggström |
1852-1864 |
Botaniska Utflygter :
en Samling af strödda Tillfallighets-Skrifter /
utgifna af Elias Fries. |
Fries, Elias. |
848h |
Zacharias Hæggström |
1852-1864 |
Linné om Småland :
några utdrag ur hans skrifter. |
Linné, Carl von |
29 |
Zachrisson |
1907 |
Collegium medicum :
om sättet att tillhopa gå : sexualföreläsningar /
av Carl von Linné. |
Linné, Carl von |
4417 |
Zinderman |
1969 |
Collegium medicum :
om sättet att tillhopa gå : sexualföreläsningar /
av Carl von Linné. |
Linné, Carl von |
4416 |
Zinderman |
1969 |
Carl von Linné :
barndom, hem, skola : kulturhistorisk skildring. |
Wallerström, Ingrid. |
4405 |
Zindermans |
1974 |
Stirpium præcipuarum littoris et agri Nicæensis Enumeràtio methodica :
cum clencho aliquot Animalium ejusdem maris /
a Carolo Allionio ... |
Allioni, Carlo |
637c |
ad ripam Augustinorum :apud Claudium-Joannem-Baptistam Bauche ... |
1757 |
Josephi Jacobi Plenk ... Elementa terminologiae botanicae ac systematis sexualis plantarum. |
Plenck, Joseph Jacob von |
759 |
apud A. Blumauer |
1796 |
M. Joh. Gottlieb Gleditschii ... Consideratio Epicriseos Siegesbeckianæ in Linnæi Systema plantarum sexuale et methodum botanicam huic superstructam, ... |
Gleditsch, Johann Gottlieb |
625 |
apud Ambrosium Haude |
1740 |
Bibliotheca botanica secundum botanices partes, locos, chronologiam, fornam, auctores, volumen, titulos, pretium et recensione concinnata /
auctore Friederico a Millitz ; praefatus est Ludovicus Reichenbach = Handbuch der botanischen Literatur für Botaniker, Bibliothekare, Buchhändler und Auctionatoren mit Angabe der Preise und Reconsionen. |
Miltitz, Friedrich Joseph Franz Xaver von |
3647 |
apud Augustum Rücker |
1829 |