Florae Siculae prodromus sive plantarum in Sicilia ulteriori nascentium enumeratio secundum systema Linnaeanum disposita /
auctore Joanne Gussone ... |
Gussone, Giovanni. |
832a |
ex Regia Typographia |
1827-28 |
A sketch of the life of Linnaeus :
In a series of letters. Designed for young persons /
[by Sarah Waring]. |
Waring, Sarah. |
2673 |
printed for Harvey and Darton |
1827 |
Symbolæ ad historiam litterariam Sveciæ :
Sectionis I, pars 1, : Continens anecdoton Linnæanum /
quam ... præside Erico Gust. Geijer ... pro gradu philosophico ; edidit Johannes Arvidus Afzelius ... |
Linné, Carl von |
231 |
excudebant Regiæ Academiæ Typographi |
1827 |
Antiquitates Linnæanæ :
programma, quo ad solemnem inaugurationem philosophiæ doctorum crastina luce celebrandam magnos hospites, literarum patronos, patres civesque academicos et urbicos /
reverenter et perofficiose invitat legitime constitutus promotor Carolus Adolphus Agardh ... |
Agardh, Carl Adolph |
2672 |
litteris Berlingianis |
1826 |
Linné's eigenhändige Anzeichmingen über sich selbst /
mit Ammerkungen und Zusatzen von Afzelius ; aus dem Schwedischen übersezt von Karl Lappe ; mit einer Vorrecht von Dr. K. A. Rudolphi. |
Afzelius, Adam Lappe, Karl Rudolphi, Karl Asmund Linné, Carl von |
2661 |
gedruckt und verlegt bei G. Reimer |
1826 |
Äreminne öfver arkiaterna Carl von Linné :
skrift, som vunnit dubbla stora priset i akademien 1821 /
af Herr Carl Agardh ... |
Agardh, Carl Adolph |
2668 |
P. A. Norstedt & Söner |
1826 |
Esposizione delle ventiquattro classi del sistema sessuale di Linneo e degli ordini sotto di esse compresi ad uso degli alunni di botanica /
[by Paolo Spadoni]. |
Spadoni, Paolo |
831b |
presso Giovanni Crocetti |
1826 |
Caroli Linnaei ... Systema vegetabilium. |
Linné, Carl von |
616 |
sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae |
1825-1828 |
Examen classis polygamiae ... /
præside C. P. Thunberg. |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
830ac |
excudebant Palmblad et C. |
1825 |
Examen classis Dioeciae /
præside C. P. Thunberg ... |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
830ab |
excudebant Palmblad et C. |
1825 |
Elements of Conchology, according to the Linnæan System /
by E.I. Burrow. |
Burrow, Edward John |
158c |
Printed for James Duncan |
1825 |
Examen classis monoeciae ... /
præside C. P. Thunberg. |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
830aa |
excudebant Palmblad et C. |
1825 |
Examen classis ... /
præside C. P. Thunberg. |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
162 |
excudebant Palmblad et c. |
1824-1825 |
Minnen af lediga stunder /
J. W. Beckman. |
Beckman, Johan Wilhelm |
2662 |
tryckte hos Samuel Rumstedt |
1824 |
Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne du Calvadosde la Soc. Linéenne du Calvados :
année 1824. |
Roberge, Michel. Linné, Carl von |
2663 |
chez Chalopin fils, impr. de la société |
1824 |
Examen classis Diandriæ in systemate sexuali /
venia exp. facult. Med. Upsal. præside C. P. Thunberg ... ; p. p. Ernestus Swartz, Ostrogothus. in audit. botanico die xi Dec. MDCCCXXIV, H.A.M.S. |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
829e |
excudebant Palmblad et C. |
1824 |
Examen classis gynandriæ ... /
præside C. P. Thunberg ; p. p. E. T. Tholér. |
Thunberg, Carl Peter |
829f |
excudebant Palmblad et C. |
1824 |
Caroli Linnæi Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur botanices fundamenta /
studio Curtii Sprengel. |
Linné, Carl von |
452 |
E typis Caroli Casterman-Dieu |
1824 |
A catalogue of the indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon, distinguishing the several esculent vegetables, fruits, roots and grains, together with a sketch of the divisions of genera and species in use amongst the Singhalese :
also an outline of the Linnæan sexual system of botany in the English and Singhalese languages for the use of the Singhalese /
by Alexander Moon. |
Moon, Alexander. |
830 |
Wesleyan Mission Press |
1824 |
Egenhändiga Anteckningar af Carl Linnæus om sig sjelf med Anmärkningar och Tillägg /
[af Adam Afzelius]. |
Linné, Carl von |
2660 |
Palmblad & C. |
1823 |