Union Catalogue

All records for The Royal Library (1300 results)

Title Author Soulsby Publisher Year
Florae Siculae prodromus sive plantarum in Sicilia ulteriori nascentium enumeratio secundum systema Linnaeanum disposita / auctore Joanne Gussone ... Gussone, Giovanni. 832a ex Regia Typographia 1827-28 Digital version available
A sketch of the life of Linnaeus : In a series of letters. Designed for young persons / [by Sarah Waring]. Waring, Sarah. 2673 printed for Harvey and Darton 1827 Digital version available
Symbolæ ad historiam litterariam Sveciæ : Sectionis I, pars 1, : Continens anecdoton Linnæanum / quam ... præside Erico Gust. Geijer ... pro gradu philosophico ; edidit Johannes Arvidus Afzelius ... Linné, Carl von 231 excudebant Regiæ Academiæ Typographi 1827 Digital version available
Antiquitates Linnæanæ : programma, quo ad solemnem inaugurationem philosophiæ doctorum crastina luce celebrandam magnos hospites, literarum patronos, patres civesque academicos et urbicos / reverenter et perofficiose invitat legitime constitutus promotor Carolus Adolphus Agardh ... Agardh, Carl Adolph 2672 litteris Berlingianis 1826 Digital version available
Linné's eigenhändige Anzeichmingen über sich selbst / mit Ammerkungen und Zusatzen von Afzelius ; aus dem Schwedischen übersezt von Karl Lappe ; mit einer Vorrecht von Dr. K. A. Rudolphi. Afzelius, Adam Lappe, Karl Rudolphi, Karl Asmund Linné, Carl von 2661 gedruckt und verlegt bei G. Reimer 1826 Digital version available
Äreminne öfver arkiaterna Carl von Linné : skrift, som vunnit dubbla stora priset i akademien 1821 / af Herr Carl Agardh ... Agardh, Carl Adolph 2668 P. A. Norstedt & Söner 1826 Digital version available
Esposizione delle ventiquattro classi del sistema sessuale di Linneo e degli ordini sotto di esse compresi ad uso degli alunni di botanica / [by Paolo Spadoni]. Spadoni, Paolo 831b presso Giovanni Crocetti 1826 Digital version available
Caroli Linnaei ... Systema vegetabilium. Linné, Carl von 616 sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae 1825-1828 Digital version available
Examen classis polygamiae ... / præside C. P. Thunberg. Thunberg, Carl Peter 830ac excudebant Palmblad et C. 1825 Digital version available
Examen classis Dioeciae / præside C. P. Thunberg ... Thunberg, Carl Peter 830ab excudebant Palmblad et C. 1825 Digital version available
Elements of Conchology, according to the Linnæan System / by E.I. Burrow. Burrow, Edward John 158c Printed for James Duncan 1825 Digital version available
Examen classis monoeciae ... / præside C. P. Thunberg. Thunberg, Carl Peter 830aa excudebant Palmblad et C. 1825 Digital version available
Examen classis ... / præside C. P. Thunberg. Thunberg, Carl Peter 162 excudebant Palmblad et c. 1824-1825 Digital version available
Minnen af lediga stunder / J. W. Beckman. Beckman, Johan Wilhelm 2662 tryckte hos Samuel Rumstedt 1824 Digital version available
Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne du Calvadosde la Soc. Linéenne du Calvados : année 1824. Roberge, Michel. Linné, Carl von 2663 chez Chalopin fils, impr. de la société 1824 Digital version available
Examen classis Diandriæ in systemate sexuali / venia exp. facult. Med. Upsal. præside C. P. Thunberg ... ; p. p. Ernestus Swartz, Ostrogothus. in audit. botanico die xi Dec. MDCCCXXIV, H.A.M.S. Thunberg, Carl Peter 829e excudebant Palmblad et C. 1824 Digital version available
Examen classis gynandriæ ... / præside C. P. Thunberg ; p. p. E. T. Tholér. Thunberg, Carl Peter 829f excudebant Palmblad et C. 1824 Digital version available
Caroli Linnæi Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur botanices fundamenta / studio Curtii Sprengel. Linné, Carl von 452 E typis Caroli Casterman-Dieu 1824 Digital version available
A catalogue of the indigenous and exotic plants growing in Ceylon, distinguishing the several esculent vegetables, fruits, roots and grains, together with a sketch of the divisions of genera and species in use amongst the Singhalese : also an outline of the Linnæan sexual system of botany in the English and Singhalese languages for the use of the Singhalese / by Alexander Moon. Moon, Alexander. 830 Wesleyan Mission Press 1824 Digital version available
Egenhändiga Anteckningar af Carl Linnæus om sig sjelf med Anmärkningar och Tillägg / [af Adam Afzelius]. Linné, Carl von 2660 Palmblad & C. 1823 Digital version available