Amoenitates academicae,
seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1292 |
Apud Wetstenium |
1752-1769 |
Caroli Linnaei equit. aur. de stella polari ... Amoenitates academicae, seu, Dissertationes variae, physicae, medicae, botanicae, antehac seorsim editae, nunc collectae & auctae, cum tabulis aeneis.
Volumen secundum. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1288 |
Apud Wetstenium |
1764 |
Amoenitates academicae,
seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae antehac seorsim editae nunc collectae et auctae cum tabulis aeneis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
1305 |
Apud Wetstenium |
1752-1769 |
Index Linnaeanus in Leonhardi Plukenetii M.D. opera botanica ... Accessere variae in vitam et opera Plukenetii observationes partim ex ipsius
Auctore Paulo Dieterico Giseke. Index Linnaeanus in Joannis Jacobi Dillenii Historiam muscorum, ob similem usum additus est. |
Giseke, Paul Dietrich,
1741-1796. |
681c |
Apud auctorem et Carolo E. Bohn commissum |
1779 |
Flora Antillarum;
seu, Historia generalis botanica, ruralis, oeconomica vegetabilium in Antilles indigenorum, et exoticorum indigenis cultura adscriptorum; secondum systema sexuale Linnaei, et methodum naturalem Jussiaei in loco natali elaborata, iconibus accuratissime delineatis et coloratis illustrata. |
Tussac, F.-R. de |
787d |
Apud auctorem et F. Schoell |
1808-1827 |
Flora Zeylanica :
sistens plantas Indicas Zeylonae insulae ; quae olim 1670-1677, lectae fuere a Paulo Hermanno, ... demum, post 70 annos ab Augusto Gunthero ... orbi redditae ; hoc vero opere revisae, examinatae, determinatae & illustratae generibus certis, differentiis specificis, synonymis propriis, descriptionibus, compendiosis iconibus paucis. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
423 |
Apud. J. Wetstenium |
1748 |
Systême sexuel des végétaux :
suivant les classes, les ordres, les genres et les espèces, avec les caractères et les différences /
par Charles Linné ; première interprétation française, calquée sur les éditions de Murray, de Persoon, de Wildenow; augmentée et enrichie de notions élémentaires, de notes diverses, d'une concordance avec la méthode de Tournefort et les familles naturelles de Jussieu, etc., etc. par N. Jolyclerc. |
Linné, Carl von,
1707-1778. |
607 |
Arthus-Bertrand |
1810 |
Dreyhundert auserlesene amerikanische Gewächse nach linneischer Ordnung. |
Zorn, Johannes,
1739-1799. |
646c |
Auf Kosten der Raspischen Buchh. |
1785-88 |
Icones plantarum medicinalium =
Abbildungen von Arzneygewächsen /
[Johannes Zorn]. |
Zorn, Johannes,
1739-1799. |
985 |
Auf Kosten der Raspischen Buchhandlung |
1779-1790 |
Scandinavians who have contributed to the knowledge of the flora of North America /
by Per Axel Rydberg. Report on a geological survey of the lands belonging to the New York and Texas Land Company, Ltd., in the upper Rio Grande Embayment in Texas /by Johan August Udden. |
Rydberg, Per Axel,
1860-1931. |
2918 |
Augustana Book Concern |
1907 |
A voyage to China and the East Indies,
by Peter Osbeck. Together with A Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen and an account of the Chinese husbandry, by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg. Tr. from the German, by John Reinhold Forster, F. A. S. To which are added, a faunula and flora sinensis. |
Osbeck, Pehr,
1723-1805. |
3601 |
B. White |
1771 |
Flora diaetetica:
or, History of esculent plants, both domestic and foreign, in which they are accurately described, and reduced to their Linnaean generic and specific names. With their English names annexed, and ranged under eleven general heads ...
By Charles Bryant ... |
Bryant, Charles,
-1799. |
690 |
B. White |
1783 |
Thirty-eight plates, with explanations :
intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany /
by Thomas Martyn. |
Martyn, Thomas,
1735-1825. |
593 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
3636 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
3852 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ...
to which is added, a copious list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son,
by D. H. Stoever. Tr. from the original German by Joseph Trapp. |
Stöver, Dietrich Johann Heinrich,
1767-1822. |
2627 |
B. and J. White |
1794 |
Grundriss der Kräuterkunde,
zu Vorlesungen entworfen von Carl Ludwig Willdenow. Mit acht Kupfertafeln [von Capieux] und einer Farbentabelle. |
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig,
1765-1812. |
749a |
Bei Haude und Spener |
1792 |
Grundriss der Kräuterkunde,
zu Vorlesungen entworfen von Carl Ludwig Willdenow. |
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig,
1765-1812. |
749b |
Bei Haude und Spener |
1810 |
Dictionarium botanicum, oder, Botanisches lateinisches und deutsches Handwörterbuch :
für Aerzte, Cameralisten, Apotheker, Specereyhändler, Kräuterkenner, Bluhmisten, Oeconomen, Gärtner und Fabrikanten : nebst einem neuvermehrten Anhang von weitern deutschen Pflanzenbenennungen und einem Verzeichnis von Pflanzen nach ihrer unterschiedlichen Blühtezeit. |
Reuss, Christian Friedrich,
1745-1813. |
683 |
Bey Christian Gottlob Hilscher |
1786 |
Dictionarium botanicum, oder, Botanisches lateinisches und deutsches Handwörterbuch :
für Aerzte, Cameralisten, Apothecker, Specereyhändler, Kräuterkenner, Bluhmisten, Oeconomen, Gärtner und Fabrikanten : nach dem Linneischen System. |
Reuss, Christian Friedrich,
1745-1813. |
682 |
Bey Christian Gottlob Hilscher |
1781 |